Rainbo’s Tonya Papanikolov Believes in the Magic of Mushrooms

Rainbo’s Tonya Papanikolov Believes in the Magic of Mushrooms
Rainbo’s Tonya Papanikolov Believes in the Magic of Mushrooms
Gymnopilus by Bernard Spragg. NZ is licensed under CC0 1.0

Tonya Papanikolov could talk about mushrooms for hours. “We’re in this moment in time where we’re understanding the role that they play in the biosphere and asking, ‘What would our planet be like without this life-form?’” she says. “Well, it wouldn’t really exist in this capacity, because they do so many things.”

A holistic nutritionist, Papanikolov harnesses the power of fungi for her company Rainbo, which makes potent tinctures from medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps, reishi, and lion’s mane. Below, Papanikolov talked to the Cut about adaptogens, yoga, and the Sedona method.

On how she defines wellness: It’s a holistic connection between all of the different aspects that feed into my being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I’m trying to really find some form of equilibrium and harmony. When I was younger, my approach to wellness was maybe a bit more food-based. I was really focusing on the physical body.

Wellness can sound so blegh. It’s been so commodified, but at its roots, is something inherently human that all of us are seeking. It’s this inescapable thing that we know exists, but because of the industry that’s been created around it, for better and worse, it seems unachievable. It’s a challenge.
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