New Jersey Governor Signs Psilocybin Bill To Immediately Reduce Penalties For Possession

New Jersey Governor Signs Psilocybin Bill To Immediately Reduce Penalties For Possession
New Jersey Governor Signs Psilocybin Bill To Immediately Reduce Penalties For Possession

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signed a psilocybin reform bill into law on Thursday, immediately reclassifying possession of up to an ounce of psychedelic-containing mushrooms as a disorderly persons offense.

The new classification means individuals caught with small amounts of psilocybin are now subject to a maximum $1,000 fine, up to six months in jail or both. Previously the offense was a third-degree crime and carried a penalty of between three to five years behind bars and fines of up to $15,000.

The change puts mushroom possession on par with simple assault, harassment, shoplifting or resisting arrest in New Jersey.
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