Denver, Colorado-based dispensary Strawberry Fields and the doobba delivery service announced pot deliveries will be open to the public today, August 23. The companies completed their first six legal pot deliveries on August 19 during a soft launch test round.
Strawberry Fields is Denver’s first dispensary that received a permit for delivery, while doobba was Denver’s first delivery service to receive a license, and several other companies are in the process of nearing operation.
In order for a dispensary to offer delivery, it is required to either qualify under a social equity designation intended to benefit communities negatively impacted by the War on Drugs, or partner with a social equity delivery company—Doobba, in this case. Strawberry Fields chose the latter route, partnering with Doobba to meet the city’s requirements.
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Legal Pot Delivery Sales Launch in Denver, Colorado

Joint by Dominic Milton Trott is licensed under Creative Commons Generic 2.0