Happy Father’s Day! Have Some Weed

Happy Father’s Day! Have Some Weed
Happy Father’s Day! Have Some Weed
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The times they are a changin’.

While both the mainstream media and much of government continue to regard cannabis with suspicion and apprehension, the attitudes of consumers are changing much more rapidly.

A recent survey of cannabis-using dads in Canada by cannabis media/tech company Lift & Co. Corp (TSX: V.LIFT, OTCQB: LFCOF) reported a very bullish number for both cannabis companies and investors:

“83 per cent would welcome a cannabis-related gift of some kind”


The number stands out on its own merits. But let’s add a little context. Last year, Lift posed this general survey question to people: once legalization came into effect (in Canada), would they “get high with their dads”? Only 14% indicated that they “thought that was a good idea.”

Then there is this anecdote today, @Brother Limbo, Reddit:

Traveled to Toronto from Ottawa to visit my dad for Father's Day. Went to one of the legal outlets with my dad. Told him to pick out a couple strains (within certain THC limits, since he's new). Went to a park and vaped with him for a couple hours to talk about life. Not every dad wants cannabis. Most dads want to spend time with their kids. Very chill afternoon. Cannabis is great for enhancing certain experiences, and having a heart to heart with your dad was certainly easier with a little weed.

Sons can do the same thing by giving their dads a box of cigars, or a bottle of scotch. The difference? The cigars or scotch may lead to an earlier grave for Dad. The cannabis (if anything) may help to keep him around longer.

As regular TSI readers know, alcohol and nicotine are toxic and addictive, with known (serious) health perils. Cannabis is non-toxic and non-addictive. Cannabinoids are found naturally in the human body and we now know they help to promote human health.

Introducing Dad to cannabis may not only provide a better opportunity for a “heart to heart”. It may also keep your fathers around to celebrate more Father’s Days.

Skeptics will indicate that the Father’s Day poll is biased, since it only surveyed cannabis users. However (obviously) cannabis users have a much more informed opinion with respect to the desirability of such a gift.

At the least, this is a very strong “consumer satisfaction” reading: 83% of male consumers not only want more cannabis, they would appreciate it as a gift. But cannabis consumption is certainly not just “a guy thing”.

Another recent survey in Canada (post-legalization) reported that “the percentage of men in Canada who’ve used cannabis in the past three months increased by 3.3 percent. The increase for women was 1.7 percent.”

But note why the ladies are not embracing cannabis (yet) to the same degree as the men.
  • 70 percent of women believe cannabis use carries a stigma, and that 66 percent hide their use
  • 39 percent of women don’t try cannabis because they don’t like the idea of smoking

The message here to the cannabis industry (and cannabis investors) is clear.

1) The cannabis industry needs to do a better job of (in particular) educating women on cannabis usage

2) Introduction of next-generation, smoke-less cannabis products in Canada can be expected to generate a more positive response among female cannabis

Smoking rates (of cigarettes) between the genders is relatively equal. Clearly, female resistance to cannabis usage has much more to do with social perceptions and less to do with health. Education can help to radically improve those percentages.

This year: cannabis is already a popular choice (among Dads) as a Father’s Day gift.

Next year? Mom’s may start asking (or hinting for) their own cannabis treat for Mother’s Day.

Cannabis Focus, Cannabis Industry
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