Savvy investors study multiple factors to identify potential stock winners. Stock screeners scan thousands of companies for insights and data to discern uncommon opportunities. The criteria utilized in a stock screening system is obviously influenced by an individual’s investment proclivities such as high yield, value, growth or price momentum, however, most stock screening systems are typically hybrids with blended criteria reflecting individual preferences and incorporating more than one investment style. P/E ratios, near zero beta, increased dividends, revenue growth and market growth are all employed to sift through over 100,000 public companies around the world and the nearly 6,000 U.S. listed companies.
All markets are addicted to growth. Growth is the elixir that drives markets and share prices of individual companies higher, and every stock screening system includes growth measurement variables. Growth is a testament to value creation. Current and future growth are prime indicators of potential future performance of a company’s share price. When looking for growth, it makes sense to look closely at companies that are not only growing rapidly but also growing rapidly in a rapidly growing market. With compound annual growth estimated at nearly 60 percent, the CBD (cannabidiol) industry is arguably the fastest growing market in the world. In fact, just five months ago Forbes called the CBD industry, “The Cannabis Market That Could Grow 700% by 2020” ( That kind of growth can change a portfolio.
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