Federal Policy On Hemp CBD Is Taking Shape: What Needs To Be Addressed?

Federal Policy On Hemp CBD Is Taking Shape: What Needs To Be Addressed?
Federal Policy On Hemp CBD Is Taking Shape: What Needs To Be Addressed?
CBD Cannabidol Oil Stock Photo by Chemist 4 U is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The most pressing issue is the treatment of foods and dietary supplements, which are common in the marketplace but are allegedly prohibited by the FDA.

Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submitted a CBD enforcement policy to the White House. We do not yet have the text of that document but we anticipate that it will have a significant impact on hemp-derived CBD (Hemp CBD) products.

In anticipation of the release of the FDA’s CBD enforcement policy, we wanted to cover the FDA’s current position on Hemp CBD, which is summarized in the following graphic:

As you can see, the FDA has some things to address. The most pressing issue is the treatment of foods and dietary supplements, which are common in the marketplace but are allegedly prohibited by the FDA. The FDA has done very little to actually prevent the sale of Hemp CBD in food and dietary supplements. It also has not provided any interim guidance on processing hemp into cosmetics, foods, dietary supplements, or smokable products.
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